Wednesday 5 January 2011

Sunday December 5th 2010 – Happy Birthday Cousin Freya!

Today was my cousin Freya’s 30th Birthday and a good time was had by all.
We ate cake, drank Champagne and sung a few rounds of ‘Wheels on the Bus.’
The Little Perfect One loves a bit of a party; any excuse to shout, eat biscuits and wave his legs in the air.
There was, in fact a lot of baby-talk today, as my youngest cousin, Ella, is now 6 months pregnant. High excitement and an extra fascination with all things TLPO related. Also, today he was the only person under 27, which made him instantly, even more of a scene-stealer than usual. Well, if that is at all possible
It’s difficult, as I haven’t quite worked out the appropriate response to people saying, ‘Oh, isn’t he gorgeous’, or ‘adorable’, or ‘edible’, or even once, ‘delicious’. A very small part of me feels I should look at the floor and say, ‘Aye, all little ‘ns has their charm’, but I just can’t. Instead, I end up beaming in agreement. That can’t be wrong, surely? It’s just a fact. It is not, in any way, the start of the slippery slope towards pushy, competitive Mummy. Perhaps I should reign in some of the, ‘well, of course, he is very advanced for his age’, but there’s time for that later. Isn’t there?

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