It didn’t look good – a Tuesday and the first day of February. This is the month I have often thought of as the Tuesday of our Gregorian calendar. Too far away from Christmas to be festive and too far away from summer to be anything but bleak, cold and dreary.
Well that’s how it seems here in Middle-Muddlington...
That’s when I realised it was time to stop being a village idiot and look a bit further afield!
I’m still busy spinning around, waiting for the year to start and desperate to create a list of rules that I need to adhere to for the next 12 months. Of course, I’ve been pretty grumpy about it all, as I thought I missed my chance to actually start from the beginning.
Well, this is perfect! As here comes a new one! Chinese New Year is on the 3rd of February this year and I am delighted about it.
Yes, in 2 days time we’ll be heading into the year of the Rabbit.
Hooray! There will be a list! I will make resolutions!
Thinking about it, I was born in the year of the Rabbit, so it must be destiny.
It's so funny and kind of sad how so many of us are so into resolutions and words at the turn of the new year, and then now in the middle of March do we all remember? Have we or are we still following our resolution? Or have we forgotten them? Great post, great reminder! Thanks!