Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Monday January 24rd 2011 – Starting to sound a lot like Eeyore.

Oh Monday you’re a funny old thing. I just about get used to you and then you start giving in to that fusty old cousin of yours...Tuesday. Honestly, I’m never in the mood for that ridiculous frump.
Seriously, I really must get some sleep or it’ll be Sunday again and I’ll be looking like the Day after tomorrow.
I wonder if tues is derived from the Greek for minging.

1 comment:

  1. I had to look up "minging", and whether greek or not, it's a tuesday word. And now I have a new word. Just the other day I wrote "whinging" to modify "students outside my door." but it had been long week, and I merely muttered it under my breath.

    any new tree photos for us? JF
