Thursday, 6 January 2011

Saturday December 18th 2010 – The Luck of the Draw.

This evening was to be a festival of Saturday television, but alas, the pathetic TV is no more.
I agree that leaving it switched on was not in any way socially responsible, but it did mean that we could watch it. Unfortunately, in order to take it off the wall and diagnose the fault, our bouncy Television Engineer needed to switch it off. So, then it was a case of bye-bye forever.
The good news is that this Engineer was truly delightful. He also had the most fabulous name; Chief. Yes, how great is that? His name was actually Chief!
The bad news is that he didn’t really appear to be an actual Engineer. I mean, he took the TV down and looked at the back, before promptly announcing that, ‘It doesn’t work, because it’s broken.’ Marvellous!
Hoobiz tried to pick his brains further with regards to a replacement set. Sadly, Chief would not be drawn on a brand name. Yet he did leave us with this gem, ‘Whatever you get...well, it’s the luck of the draw. In’it?’
Oh well! Best order a new TV we can’t afford and dig out that scrabble board!

1 comment:

  1. I got rid of our TV the first time Mr H moved to Scotland, Sept 2008 (and he doesn't have one up there). Basically it was in the way when I wanted to rearrange the sitting room! and we so rarely watched it. Now the TV Licensing have finally accepted I don't have one and we just use iPlayer. But then I don't have a small child ;-)

    Your engineer sounds like a classic. Enjoy the Scrabble!
