Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Friday December 3rd 2010 – Losing it... again

So mad! I am so very, very mad. Not the, ‘Hello God it’s me Norman! Look, this is my big toe! Or is it?’, sort of mad. No. This is very much the, ‘I’ve forgotten what my fingers look like, as they have been clenched into waving fists for the last 24 hours’, sort of mad. Oh dear, it seems The Rage is back.
Yesterday’s Big Ugly hero is flashing over and over in my head and the follow up call scheduled for last night, was actually received at 10:35am this morning. The Little Perfect One was 5 minutes into his nap when the courtesy call awoke him. You only have one shot with The Little Perfect One and daytime naps; stop the snooze and you lose!
I would not recommend holding an over-tired, wailing and struggling toddler, whilst speaking to The Big Ugly. It’s not big and it’s not clever at all.
‘Can you tell what the specialist engineer reported Madam?’, began my new friend from The Big Ugly.
‘Can’t you see that in the notes?’, I reply, quickly bribing The Little Perfect One with a Moon biscuit.
‘No, Madam, the notes are not updated yet. Did the engineer come? Is the issue now resolved?’ He continues in predictable Big Ugly style.
I can’t contain it much longer. ‘He did come. He didn’t fix it. It was, in fact, just a complete waste of my time’, I say sharply.
‘Right, well I will arrange for a call back later today, when the notes have been updated.’ He concludes.
That’s it, The Rage is free. ‘I’m sorry, but why were you actually calling? If it was to annoy me and wake up my baby, then Bravo! Well done you! If, on the other hand, it was to sort out my broadband connection or at least to move something, anything, forward - then I’m sorry to say it’s been a miserable failure...’
‘I appreciate that you are frustrated Madam, but...’
‘A miserable, miserable failure, that’s what this is. What was the point of sending out a completely useless, clumsy, brainless, jobs-worth? He came in here gruff and ignorant and well he was practically abusive and very ...’
‘Abusive?’, queries the startled Big Ugly Employee.
Oops! It’s that old Britney curse...I’ve done it again. The redness rises quickly in my neck and I want to drop the phone and run.
‘Well no’, I hesitate, ‘I mean, abusive is too strong, I don’t mean ‘abusive’ as such. He was just a bit...’ think you idiot, think of the word, ’well, short, I suppose’. Phew, that was great, but I thought it better than trying to explain he was very abusive for trampling my cat and saying my baby sounded like a mallard.
Yes, I think Hoobiz should speak to them this evening.

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